Achieve income certainty
Achieve income certainty while streamlining your risk review process.
LoanBeam® Income Made Easy.
LoanBeam® Income
Achieve rep and
warrant relief.

Lender and investor confidence in
self-employed income calculations requires
an in depth, specialized risk review process.
With technology to take the guess work out of self-employed income calculations, GSE certification is possible.
Simplify risk

Underwriters are one of your most valued resources. Don’t waste their time with simple data extraction and data entry tasks.
With automated income calculation technology that cuts out the "busy work," optimizing production resources is possible.
Standardize income

Manual processes, inexperienced staff, and document complexity can all contribute to costly errors and operational inconsistencies in income calculation.
With rules-based automation, replacing file-level variability with business-level
decision-making is possible.
I need data-driven income calculation/analysis technology.
The LoanBeam brand journey to the top wasn’t overnight. Becoming the mortgage
industry’s “income source” has been the result of thousands of customer
conversations, programmatic iterations, and sleepless nights.
Our experience has earned the trust of GSEs and major investors who accept LoanBeam
Income calculations from their lender and broker networks.